We are committed to helping others. We take our convictions and turn them into action.
Are you called by God? Are you ready to be use by Jesus? Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!
Since our beginning, we look for people who need help. We go out in the streets and prisons and find them. Sadly, many hurting people go to Church and then leave the same way they came.
Jim Kauth or brother Jimmy, is a businessman from Phoenix Arizona. In late 2022, Jesus called Jim and told him to prepare His bride, the Church, for His second coming. Beginning in November 2022, Jim received several dreams and visions from the Lord Jesus Christ. Go to the link below to learn about these DREAMS.
Your tax deductible donations enable us to meet our obligations and helps pay for our events, billboards, outreach ministry and fund our mission.
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